Tuesday, February 16, 2010

for the boys

(I told someone he should tread lightly and I don't know if he has yet or not - what he is looking for is the next one)

How to decide who wins 3-way Rock-Paper-Scissors:

When playing RPS with three people, there are three possible situations when everyone displays their signs: two people will have the same sign and one will be different, all three will be different, or all three will be the same.

-If all 3 are the same: No one wins or loses. Start again.

-If all 3 are different: Ditto.

-If there are 2 of one sign and 1 of another, there are two possible answers, depending on your aim.

Trying to find a winner (quieter than a wang-ho)
-if the two are the sign that beats the one, those two play regular RPS and follow the normal rules to see who wins
-if the two are the sign that loses to the one, that one wins

Trying to find a loser (boat run... sucker)
-if the two are the sign that beats the one, that one loses
-if the two are the sign that loses to the one, those two play regular RPS and follow the normal rules to see who loses

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