Thursday, January 29, 2009

if I had a boat

Latest news on the non-school front:

Effective in just over a week, I am the president of Paddle Manitoba.

School today was really good, despite it being Thursday. The first class I have is one where the subject material can be dense and less tangible, but twice today, the whole class was laughing so hard that people were crying. We were doing mini-presentations about different types of teaching (direct, indirect, transmissive, transactional, etc). The group doing indirect was doing a mini-lesson plan on gravity and Aristotle's hypothesis that heavier objects fall faster than light ones. One group dropped an empty nalgene and a full nalgene as their two objects, and the full one must have hit at a point key to the structure of the thing because it shattered! To understand the other funny thing, you'd have to know the prof involved, but we were dying laughing. It made the day good.

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