Wednesday, October 31, 2007


So.. before I had logged in, Blogger was in German. Once I had logged in, it was in French. Go figure?

I'm in Geneva right now. Arrived here on Monday, and spent the last couple days hanging out with John Beach, who was the Trin chaplain in my first few years, and Stephen, who was in a few of my classes in first and second years. It's amazing to not be in a hostel, even if only briefly. I went on a tour of the Palais des Nations at the UN today, which was alright, but not entirely worth the price. The land it is on used to be owned by a rich Genevan family, but was given to the town to be used by the League of Nations, under 3 conditions. First, the guy's grave has to stay on site. Second, there has to be peacocks living on the grounds. The guide was telling us that there was a conference recently where a peacock was stuck in a tree outside the room, and was loud enough that they had to put things on hold in the meeting until they got it down! The third condition is that the grounds have to remain open to the public. Security concerns forced them to close the ground to the public a few years ago, which is too bad. Apparently somewhere on them, there is a monument to the space race that the USSR donated, which I would have loved to see. Ah well.

I put some pics of Athens up on Facebook, for those of you who are members to that site. I know there is a way to share the photos with people who have not joined facebook, but I can't figure out how to do it. Does anybody out there know?

Tomorrow I am moving on to Zurich, for one night, and then to Munich.


Anonymous said...

Hi Catherine
glad things are going well, you seem to be covering territory in record speed. I am enjoying reading the posts.
Getting colder here, no snow yet but it tried the other day.All the boys are well, and no more casts on any limbs. woo-hoo! off to watch volleyball, see you

Anonymous said...

have a beer for me! Mom